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How unique design and consistent branding can help your iGaming agency

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Building an iGaming agency takes more than offering the best games and services.

You may offer the best services, and still be unable to attract enough customers. You must create a brand that resonates with your target audience to make your agency an attractive one. 

Create an online presence that comes to your audience's mind when they need to promote their brands. To achieve this, you need a logo, a catchy slogan, and, most importantly, consistency.

This article will discuss the importance of these components in brand building, and their advantages for every iGaming marketing agency.


What is unique design and consistent branding in brand building?

Unique designs in branding are distinctive visual and experiential elements that set a brand apart from its competitors. It could be their logo, color schemes, typography, website layout, or tone of voice. A unique design creates an identity that potential clients can recognize and remember instantly.

Consistent branding, on the other hand, is ensuring that every design element, communication, logo, and user experience aligns with your brand's message and vision.

Brands that are consistent in their services, design, message, and every other factor build trust and recognition. As branding expert Marty Neumeier said, ‘‘A brand is not what you say it is; it's what they (Audiences, consumers, users) say it is.” Make sure your brand aligns what it communicates with what ‘they’ say.


Five advantages of unique design and consistent branding for iGaming agency brands

Your iGaming SEO agency should be consistent across all touchpoints, whether they're creating content on their website, sending an email newsletter, or posting on social media platforms. These are five benefits of using a unique design and consistent branding:


1. Enhanced brand recognition

A distinctive color or logo will make your agency recognizable in a crowded market. When your design stands out, people will remember you even when they have several options to pick from. Use your design across all your platforms and for advertisements.

This means you will only use the same logo, font, and colors everywhere. When your audience sees the same design repeatedly, it reinforces the memory of your brand.

According to Marq— formerly LucidPress, brands that maintain consistent branding across all platforms can increase their revenue by about 33%. This shows that customers who remember you will surely choose your services, leading to more sales for your agency.


2. Increased trust and credibility

When your brand maintains a uniform look, feel, and message, it reassures your customers that they can rely on you. Customers tend to trust brands that they can rely on, especially when it's a long-term relationship.

For instance, PG Soft has been building a reputation as one of the best developers of online slot games in recent years. Through dedication and coherent branding, this brand is winning players’ trust  and taking over the mobile slots space and attracting more players globally. You can read this PG Soft slots guide by slotsjudge.com to learn more.

As your brand becomes more trustworthy, authoritative websites will link to it. This will give you more backlinks, which Google uses as a significant search engine ranking factor. Consistent branding can also increase your click-through rates (CTR) from search results, because users will preferably engage with brands they're familiar with over a new one.


3. Improved customer loyalty

Agencies that give their customers consistent, top-notch services will build a loyal customer base. When clients feel connected to your brand, they're more likely to return for future businesses, which would help you build long-term loyal customers.


4. Higher perceived value

A well-designed and consistently branded iGaming digital agency is often seen as more valuable than competitors, with less attention to design and branding. Your website design is the first thing visitors notice on your page — a report by PRNewswire that says “50% of consumers say that their first impression of a brand depends on how good the brand's website design is” confirms that.

Users will trust you more if your brand looks polished and cohesive. Plus, a higher perceived value gives you free rein on pricing because clients believe you're good at what you do.


5. Competitive advantage

There are several iGaming agencies in the market, and the best way to stay ahead of your competitors is to be different. Having a unique design and better branding will attract potential clients who need something different and trustworthy.



You need to sell a good product or service to excel in the gaming market. You probably already have that settled, but that's not all it takes. Commit to a unique design and consistently build your brand voice, to build trust and recognition.

As Mohammed Saad said, “A successful website does three things: It attracts the right kinds of visitors, guides them to the main services or product you offer, and collects contact details for future ongoing relations.’’ Make your website one that piques the interest of your audience and you will turn them into long-term customers.

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